PLEASE NOTE: Certification for EFFT CLINICIANS will continue to be offered through December 31st, 2025. For more related to this change, click here.
1. Registration with a regulatory body that includes psychotherapy in its scope of
2. Didactic/experiential* (minimum six days) by certified EFFT trainers
3. Completion of paper/pencil tasks:
a. Emotion Coaching Script-builder
b. Caregiver Emotion Coaching Fluency-Builder
c. Clinician Emotion Coaching Fluency-Builder
d. Clinician Traps Scale
Please note: if also certifying as a Caregiver Workshop facilitator - you do not need replicate
these forms
4. Facilitation of 5 documented EFFT interventions from the following list:
a. Emotion Coaching Using Didactic and Experiential Techniques
(documented via script- builder used with caregiver in session and reflections) - no more
than three of this option
b. Clinician Block Chair-Work
(documented via Clinician Block Chair-Work record form)
5. Directed supervision** (minimum 10 hours) in individual format or group format (a
recommended max of 6 participants at a time) with a focus on core components of the
model and facilitated by a certified EFFT supervisor
6. Complete application and submit payment of $180 USD
*Training days can include:
· attending a core or advanced EFFT training (repeat attendance meets criteria) lead by
certified EFFT trainer
· observing a two-day EFFT caregiver workshop lead by certified EFFT facilitator
· attending two half-day online trainings lead by a EFFT trainer
· completing six hours of individual EFFT supervision lead by a certified EFFT
supervisor/trainer (in addition to criterion 5 above)
When necessary, additional equivalents will also be considered on a case-by-case basis.
**Please use the Supervision Guide to structure your supervision sessions. Number of
supervision hours will be determined in collaboration with the supervisor, taking into
consideration training and clinical experience. Supervision can take place in person or via
secure video. Supervisors complete a supervision checklist to be submitted with the
application for certification.
Please note: Should financial constraints interfere with one’s ability to meet the certification
criteria, please contact us for support in navigating the process.
Ongoing certification process:
Re-certification occurs every 2 years with the completion of this web-based form, including clinical tasks.
Can I begin individual supervision before I have completed in-person clinician training? Although it is preferred to commence supervision following formal training, it is possible to begin prior to doing so.
How do I know if an EFFT supervisor is certified?
The website has a list of EFFT certified supervisors and trainers.
Do I submit video recordings as part of the EFFT Clinician Certification?
Video recordings are only mandatory in the context of the Advanced EFFT Therapist certification.
Can I facilitate caregiver block chair-work with my clients?
Caregiver block chair-work is a psychotherapeutic intervention and therefore is an intervention restricted for psychotherapists.
Application Form (pdf)
DownloadSupervision Checklist (pdf)
DownloadEmotion Coaching Script-Builder Record Form (docx)
DownloadCaregiver Emotion Coaching Fluency-Builder (pdf)
DownloadClinician to Caregiver Emotion Coaching Fluency-Builder (pdf)
DownloadClinician Traps Scale (pdf)
DownloadClinician Block Chair-Work Record Form (pdf)
DownloadClinician Block Chair-Work Summary (pdf)
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