Training guidelines and requirements for the delivery of the two-day general mental health / eating disorders caregiver workshop
In an effort to ensure fidelity and quality of the delivery of the two-day caregiver workshop for general mental health, the following standards have been developed:
Part 1:
· A minimum of 4 days of EFFT training facilitated by a Certified EFFT Trainer (must include a Core EFFT training)
· Observation of a 2-day Caregiver Workshop facilitated by a Certified Caregiver Workshop Facilitator (Optional)
Part 2 (in this order):
a) Complete 1:1 or small-group workshop-specific didactic and experiential training
· In person or video-meeting with an IIEFFT Certified Workshop Supervisor (list of supervisors below).
b) Complete all required supervision hours
· Minimum of 8 hours of individual supervision
· Minimum of 12 hours of group (maximum 6 participants) supervision
*Please note the above hours are the minimum required and many supervisees require 16+ hours before running their first workshop. This will be decided based on prior training and experience and is determined by you and your supervisor.
c) Completion of paper/pencil tasks:
· Emotion Coaching Script-builder
· Caregiver Emotion Coaching Fluency-Builder
· Clinician Emotion Coaching Fluency-Builder
· Therapeutic Apology Worksheet (3 worksheets)
· Clinician Traps Scale
This will include feedback and revisions from your supervisor.
· Caregiver workshop should only include caregiver block chair-work if run by a certified EFFT Therapist or Advanced therapist with experience/comfort with the intervention
· If the lead facilitator is not permitted to practice psychotherapy by their employer or regulatory body then must have a psychotherapist as co-facilitator in order to include the Therapeutic Apologies section of the workshop
· Complete a minimum of 1 hour of supervision after facilitation of your first caregiver workshop
· Email IIEFFT Board to submit application and supporting documents and pay $150 USD administration fee (payable online below)
Ongoing certification process:
Re-certification occurs every 2 years. The next update and re-certification cycle is scheduled for Spring 2025.
*If you certified prior to the year of the update you are automatically required to attend the next update.
At the time of re-certification, certified caregiver workshop facilitators will be required to:
· Have run a minimum of 1 full (12 hours or more) caregiver workshop per year.
· Attend a 90-minute training update which will cost $50
· Submit a re-certification document to the IIEFFT (document to follow in 2025)
Natasha Files - Registered Social Worker:
Jennifer Danby - Systemic Psychotherapist:
Alison Bell - Registered Clinical Counselor:
Elspeth Humphreys, MSW - Registered Social Worker:
Amanda Stillar - Registered Provisional Psychologist:
Laura Connors - Registered Psychologist:
Mirisse Foroughe - Registered Psychologist:
Katherine Henderson - Registered Psychologist: Shari Mayman - Registered Psychologist:
Adele Lafrance - Registered Psychologist: (not currently accepting new supervisees)
Please contact for more information
Application Form for Caregiver Workshop Facilitator Certification (pdf)
DownloadBy clicking below and submitting payment of $150 USD, you acknowledge email submission of the application form and supporting documents to the International Institute for Emotion-Focused Family Therapy. Please allow up to 30 days for confirmation of certification.